All Latest 10th Pass Jobs


Source of Information:

The source of web pages served on this application “10th Job Alert” is govt job alert portal All the informational material on the app is served from this website. This app was prepared by the website in its own capacity.

On the, and hence subsequently on this app, the job related information published is regularly aggregated from career/recruitment pages of the websites of Indian government, State governments, Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) & other govt agencies. The web-link/URL of the corresponding website from where the job information is collected, is also necessarily embedded in the every job post.

The major govt websites from which we aggregate job information are-

Disclaimer: We are NOT GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION and not linked with the Government in any way. The application DO NOT represent or endorse or linked or sponsored by any Indian government entity in any way. The app provide information aggregated from various trusted sources and from several Government organisations which is already available in the public domain. All the content provided on the app is only for the informational purposes to the users. The application is not affiliated with any Government services or person.

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